Partner A strong network with strong partners

We are proud of the fact that the world’s most important manufacturers and maintenance businesses in more than 120 countries rely on HYDRO. With our network of partners we can offer our customers an even wider Ground Support Equipment portfolio. No difference if you buy a HYDRO or a partner product - all products will be delivered in the well-known highest quality standard of HYDRO, as well as precisely when and where the customers need them.


TEST-FUCHS develops and manufactures tailor-made test systems and components for civil and military aerospace companies. Thanks to their know-how and reputation for high quality and innovation the company delivers to most Airlines, Aerospace Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul companies (MRO). Since 2006, we are the sole global distributor of TEST-FUCHS products.

Newbow Aerospace

Newbow Aerospace design, manufacture and supply a diversified range of aircraft ground support equipment solutions predominantly for use within the civil and defence aviation sector.

Since 2015 we are the global sales distributor for the Newbow Aerospace range of nitrogen & oxygen carts, aircraft wheel & brake change trailers and aircraft wheel storage systems. Additionally we deliver after sales service, repair and calibration for the full range of Newbow Aerospace GSE.

Liftsafe Fall Protection

Liftsafe Fall Protection Inc., a member of the Liftsafe Group of companies, offers a unique variety of fall safety products. They have become the leading expert in fall safety. Their dedicated team of professionals along with their valued suppliers have all the offerings to ensure you can maintain a safe environment.


Dynell is your competent partner for ground power supplies. A team of experts with a comprehensive industry knowledge and an innovative mindset is driven by market needs to generate ground-breaking ideas.

The innovative product range includes diesel driven and solid-state GPUs, connection systems and charging systems. As a system integrator, efficiency, performance and reliability build the foundation of their products.

The units combine robust design with the latest technology and provide highest reliability at lowest lifecycle costs. The web-based user platform is common for all Dynell products, allows easy and cost effective GSE management and increases your return on investment.